Fortune Cookie Motivation

Make Something Mondays Here is some fortune cookie motivation to get you through your Thursday. I have these taped to my cubical at work. Friday is almost here! View original post

Five Pillars

Five Pillars

1. Why is the pronouncement of the shahada central to a Muslim’s identity and practice of the Islamic faith? The prounoucement of the shadaha has a deeper menaing of there only being one God and that that God is Allah. Monotheism is one of the key elements of Islam. 2. How does the practice of … Continue reading

99 Names of Gods

99 Names of Gods

The Oft Forgiving can be associated with feminity. Oft Forgiving means that if one is truly sorry for their sins they can be forgiven and go back on the same track. It is very evident that this trait relates to God as he is very forgiving throughout the bible despite the multiple fall of man. … Continue reading

Web Quest

Web Quest

#1 1) What is the highest estimate for the total number of Muslims that live n the world today? 2 Billion 2) List 10 countries who have a Muslim population of 86% or greater. Iraq Pakistan Turkey Iran Sudan Egypt Algeria Bangladesh Indonesia Saudi Arabia Afghanistan 3) What country has the largest Muslim population? Indonesia … Continue reading

Mandatory Extra Credit

Mandatory Extra Credit

I would like you to learn a little bit about the religious history of the west, but I do not have the time in class to cover this section. As a way to get you to do this packet, I would like to offer EVERYONE (whether all blog posts are completed or not) the possibility … Continue reading

What Is Judiasm

What Is Judiasm

1. What are the three functions of a synagogue? House of Assembly A place where Jews meet to pray, have celebrations, mourn, study the religion, etc. It is more of the supportive and community aspects of the synagogue. House of Study-Where the Jews study the Torah House of Prayer- Here is where they pray to … Continue reading

Buddism Questions

Buddism Questions

Please answer all of the questions from the Buddhism packet and post your answers on your blog. 1. What was the name of the man who later became the Buddha and  founded the religion of Buddism? Siddartha Guatama 2. What were the for passing sights? Explain their significance to the origins of Buddhism. An old man … Continue reading

Introduction to Buddhism

Introduction to Buddhism

Go to the Intro to Buddhism section and read about the Buddha and the Teachings of Buddhism.  Post on your blog an “introduction” to Buddhism that gives a short biography of Siddhartha and then the major teachings of Buddhism (Three Jewels, Threefold Way, 4 Noble Truths, and the Noble Eightfold Path).  Include pictures in your … Continue reading

Hey Mr. Sanchez

Dear Mr. S, I counted this amount of words for each midterm assignment 14-holy orders 15- Marriage 14- Confirmation 17-Baptism 7-Intro Totalling in 67 words. I found out that I saved my drafts instead of publishing them. Thanks so much Love, Jerica